Top 5 techno-hubs in the world: a paradise for IT people and real estate investors
American analytical portal Expert Market has published a list of cities that are considered the best for the life and work of specialists in the field of IT. Analysts of…

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Birth certificate apostille. Apostille services. Including California apostille.
Russian "Haynets" are adapting to new orders: the results of a joint survey of Tranio and Adam Smith Conferences
For the first time in history, more than 50% of wealthy Russians began to notify Russian tax authorities of their accounts in foreign banks and controlled foreign companies. This assessment…

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Buy a passport: the 10 most popular citizenship programs for investment
According to Knight Frank, a third of capital owners over $ 30 million have a second passport, and another third plan to purchase it in the future. Tranio talks about…

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Buy a passport: the 10 most popular citizenship programs for investment
According to Knight Frank, a third of capital owners over $ 30 million have a second passport, and another third plan to purchase it in the future. Tranio talks about…


traditionally popular hotels

“One belt, one path” and one region: how to earn real estate investors along the New Silk Road route in Europe

“One Belt, One Way” is Xi Jinping’s ambitious project, which was announced by the PRC Chairman in September 2013. For four years, from 2014 to 2017, according to the American Enterprise Institute, $ 340 billion was invested in the large-scale idea of ​​restoring the Silk Road. So far, mainly from the national currency reserve, but China hopes to attract more private local and foreign investors in perspective. Continue reading

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Top 10 locations in Greece, where the profit from daily rent grew the most
Profit from short-term rentals in Greece over the past two years has grown stronger in locations less popular with tourists - analysts of AirDNA, a service that processes ads published…
