UK will open the owners of real estate, decorated on the offshore
On July 23, the Parliament of Great Britain introduced a new law on the creation of a public registry, in which foreign companies owning real estate in the country would…

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Rental business in Germany: what does an investor need to know before buying?
The German real estate market is one of the most stable in the world. Today it’s a seller’s market: there are fewer facilities here than investors who want to buy…

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OECD tightens banking checks for investment citizenship and residence permit participants
On November 20, the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development Countries (OECD) published a list of countries whose investment citizenship or residency programs it considers to be risky. The OECD…

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4 reasons why the market for cross-border real estate investment will grow over the next 10 years
According to CBRE and Real Estate Analytics, from 2007 to 2016, investors invested more than $ 6.7 trillion in overseas real estate. Since 2010, investments in this sector have grown…


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Property in Turkey: a profitable asset or a risky investment

The real estate market is one of the most important growth drivers of the Turkish economy. In recent years, the rapid development of the sector was supported by the state program for the demolition of dilapidated and unsafe housing, the activity of the middle class against the background of lower mortgage rates, as well as inflows of foreign investment. Over the past ten years, the real estate market and the construction market have provided about 8.4% of Turkey’s GDP. Continue reading

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Real Estate Development in Germany: Investor Tips
For over eight years, Tranio has been involved in overseas property. In the past three years, the company has focused on development projects, primarily in Germany. In this country, it…
