Cross-border commercial real estate transactions: how is the global market changing?
Although North America remains the largest volume of transactions in the commercial real estate market, only 15% of their number is with foreign investors. At the same time, in Europe,…

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“Golden Visa”: residence for investment
There are different ways to get a residence permit in another country: go to a local university, get a job there, create a family with a citizen or citizen of…

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Areas of Athens: where to look for real estate with potential
For Greece, the worst is over, believes Deutsche Bank CEO John Krayan. “The light is finally visible at the end of the tunnel. The forecast for 2018 remains positive, but…

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Save on lawyers later, and not at the beginning: Dew-diligence of commercial real estate in Germany
German real estate is one of the most reliable assets in Europe. Partly because of this, modern Germany is considered to be the seller’s market: good properties are bought up…


investment from China will be minimal

Cross-border commercial real estate transactions: how is the global market changing?

Although North America remains the largest volume of transactions in the commercial real estate market, only 15% of their number is with foreign investors. At the same time, in Europe, cross-border purchases account for more than half of transactions. The role of Asia in the world market is growing rapidly: both as a source of capital and as a real estate market for investment. According to experts, the share of cross-border transactions in the Asia-Pacific region in the near future will be equal to this indicator in Europe. Continue reading

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Where to live in retirement - top 5 Greek villages
Sometimes it is rather difficult to retire and continue to live for your own pleasure in your own country. Therefore, those who can afford it, think about moving abroad. The…
