Rental business in Germany: what does an investor need to know before buying?
The German real estate market is one of the most stable in the world. Today it’s a seller’s market: there are fewer facilities here than investors who want to buy…

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OECD tightens banking checks for investment citizenship and residence permit participants
On November 20, the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development Countries (OECD) published a list of countries whose investment citizenship or residency programs it considers to be risky. The OECD…

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Carte Blanche for Investors: Golden Visas in Southern Europe
In 2008, a financial crisis began in Europe. The problems in the economy affected the state of local real estate markets: the volume of investments decreased, real estate prices fell…

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German citizenship for investment ... time and effort
Germany is the largest and most stable economy in Europe. German passport offers visa-free access to 188 countries of the world. Germany ranks fourth in the list of the best…


investment from China will be minimal

Cross-border commercial real estate transactions: how is the global market changing?

Although North America remains the largest volume of transactions in the commercial real estate market, only 15% of their number is with foreign investors. At the same time, in Europe, cross-border purchases account for more than half of transactions. The role of Asia in the world market is growing rapidly: both as a source of capital and as a real estate market for investment. According to experts, the share of cross-border transactions in the Asia-Pacific region in the near future will be equal to this indicator in Europe. Continue reading

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Results of the year: where to invest in real estate?
The volume of transactions in 2018 increased by 5%, but in 2019 it will return to the level of 2017 The volume of transactions with commercial real estate concluded in…
