Green building: fashionable and profitable
In October 2017, Saudi Arabia presented an ambitious project of a “smart” and environmentally friendly city on the coast of the Red Sea “Neom”. According to the authors, the city…

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Construction in Germany: disassemble risks
How to make money on real estate in Europe? The most obvious option is to rent it: for example, to local residents, tourists or students. But analysts are talking about…

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Tranio 2018: construction of residential buildings abroad
In 2018, Tranio offered its customers new ready-made solutions for investment: its own projects for the reconstruction and construction of real estate abroad. Plans for 2019 include creating a cross-border…

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4 reasons why the market for cross-border real estate investment will grow over the next 10 years
According to CBRE and Real Estate Analytics, from 2007 to 2016, investors invested more than $ 6.7 trillion in overseas real estate. Since 2010, investments in this sector have grown…


exercises operational control

Coworking – a growing trend in the office market

The concept of coworking (from the English. Co-working – collaboration) is simple, but very functional: the interested party (employee) on a rental basis offers a comfortable and fully equipped workplace.

As a separate segment of the office market, coworking began to develop most actively during the last 10 years. The growing popularity of this format is associated with the consequences of the global financial crisis, which demanded optimization from employers, the global “boom” of startups and the formation of a new sharing economy. Continue reading

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Russian-speaking investors in profitable real estate abroad: an analytical study of Tranio
In early 2018, Tranio once again investigated the behavior of Russian-speaking investors abroad. We relied on the results of an online survey, which involved 476 real estate market leaders from…
