Carte Blanche for Investors: Golden Visas in Southern Europe
In 2008, a financial crisis began in Europe. The problems in the economy affected the state of local real estate markets: the volume of investments decreased, real estate prices fell…

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“Golden Visa”: residence for investment
There are different ways to get a residence permit in another country: go to a local university, get a job there, create a family with a citizen or citizen of…

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International investments in the Mediterranean hotel property
International investments in hotel real estate in the Mediterranean are on the rise. This is indicated by the results of an online survey conducted in 2018 jointly by Tranio and…

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Cross-border commercial real estate transactions: how is the global market changing?
Although North America remains the largest volume of transactions in the commercial real estate market, only 15% of their number is with foreign investors. At the same time, in Europe,…


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“One belt, one path” and one region: how to earn real estate investors along the New Silk Road route in Europe

“One Belt, One Way” is Xi Jinping’s ambitious project, which was announced by the PRC Chairman in September 2013. For four years, from 2014 to 2017, according to the American Enterprise Institute, $ 340 billion was invested in the large-scale idea of ​​restoring the Silk Road. So far, mainly from the national currency reserve, but China hopes to attract more private local and foreign investors in perspective. Continue reading

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OECD tightens banking checks for investment citizenship and residence permit participants
On November 20, the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development Countries (OECD) published a list of countries whose investment citizenship or residency programs it considers to be risky. The OECD…
