The Bank of England raised the base rate to 0.75% - how will the real estate market react?
On 2 August, for the first time since November 2017, the Bank of England raised the base interest rate by 25 basis points to 0.75%. This is a record rate…

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German citizenship for investment ... time and effort
Germany is the largest and most stable economy in Europe. German passport offers visa-free access to 188 countries of the world. Germany ranks fourth in the list of the best…

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"Money poured from the sky": where Chinese investors buy real estate
For the past seven years, China has been demonstrating continuous growth in overseas property investment. In 2017, the volume of investments in commercial and residential properties grew by 18% and…

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Russian-speaking investors in profitable real estate abroad: an analytical study of Tranio
In early 2018, Tranio once again investigated the behavior of Russian-speaking investors abroad. We relied on the results of an online survey, which involved 476 real estate market leaders from…


mining industries

“One belt, one path” and one region: how to earn real estate investors along the New Silk Road route in Europe

“One Belt, One Way” is Xi Jinping’s ambitious project, which was announced by the PRC Chairman in September 2013. For four years, from 2014 to 2017, according to the American Enterprise Institute, $ 340 billion was invested in the large-scale idea of ​​restoring the Silk Road. So far, mainly from the national currency reserve, but China hopes to attract more private local and foreign investors in perspective. Continue reading

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Carte Blanche for Investors: Golden Visas in Southern Europe
In 2008, a financial crisis began in Europe. The problems in the economy affected the state of local real estate markets: the volume of investments decreased, real estate prices fell…
