Carte Blanche for Investors: Golden Visas in Southern Europe
In 2008, a financial crisis began in Europe. The problems in the economy affected the state of local real estate markets: the volume of investments decreased, real estate prices fell…

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Areas of Athens: where to look for real estate with potential
For Greece, the worst is over, believes Deutsche Bank CEO John Krayan. “The light is finally visible at the end of the tunnel. The forecast for 2018 remains positive, but…

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Tranio: 5 main trends of the international real estate market
What is the world real estate market? What changes await him in the future? Tranio International Real Estate Broker presents an overview of the main trends that investors can already…

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Tranio 2018: construction of residential buildings abroad
In 2018, Tranio offered its customers new ready-made solutions for investment: its own projects for the reconstruction and construction of real estate abroad. Plans for 2019 include creating a cross-border…


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Top 10 locations in Greece, where the profit from daily rent grew the most
Profit from short-term rentals in Greece over the past two years has grown stronger in locations less popular with tourists - analysts of AirDNA, a service that processes ads published…
