Areas of Athens: where to look for real estate with potential
For Greece, the worst is over, believes Deutsche Bank CEO John Krayan. “The light is finally visible at the end of the tunnel. The forecast for 2018 remains positive, but…

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UK will open the owners of real estate, decorated on the offshore
On July 23, the Parliament of Great Britain introduced a new law on the creation of a public registry, in which foreign companies owning real estate in the country would…

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European hotel market: where to invest more profitable?
More and more people travel the world. According to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), in 2017 the number of international arrivals in the world reached a record 1.3 billion. The…

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Commercial real estate in European cities
With the beginning of 2019, it is time to take stock of the year 2018. At the same time, the experts face the challenge of making predictions for the future.…


estate markets in national

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How to invest in German development projects
For the last three years, we have been actively looking for projects for investment in Germany, but every year it becomes more and more difficult to find them, because there…
