How to invest in German development projects
For the last three years, we have been actively looking for projects for investment in Germany, but every year it becomes more and more difficult to find them, because there…

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Business in Athens: not a catastrophe, but an opportunity
Greece returns business confidence. In February 2018, the international rating agency Moody's raised the rating of the issuer of Greece from Caa2 to B3. The volume of foreign direct investment…

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Property in Turkey: a profitable asset or a risky investment
The real estate market is one of the most important growth drivers of the Turkish economy. In recent years, the rapid development of the sector was supported by the state…

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Brexit: how did the prospect of a UK exit from the EU affect the real estate market?
The results of the referendum on UK withdrawal from the European Union, held on June 23, 2016, could not leave indifferent players in the real estate market. The forecasts that…


considering investing in student

Rooftop garden and free iPad: investing in student housing

Universities are not able to provide all students with housing, private investors help to fill this gap
The globalization of higher education plays into the hands of investors. Student housing is becoming an increasingly attractive asset: over the past three years, the number of investors who evaluate investment prospects in this sector “as very good” has increased 2.5 times, according to data from the Statista portal. Continue reading

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Investment in rental business in Greece: European residence permit and high profitability amid rising prices
The Independent Public Revenue Authority of Greece (AADE) announced the launch of a digital registry for those who rent out Greek property for short-term rent through online platforms: for example,…
