development projects

Small, but comfortable: modern technology expands the space of small-sized
It has long been no secret that in the real estate markets of many large cities there is an objective shortage of residential space. The increase in the density of…

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“One belt, one path” and one region: how to earn real estate investors along the New Silk Road route in Europe
“One Belt, One Way” is Xi Jinping’s ambitious project, which was announced by the PRC Chairman in September 2013. For four years, from 2014 to 2017, according to the American…

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Brexit: how did the prospect of a UK exit from the EU affect the real estate market?
The results of the referendum on UK withdrawal from the European Union, held on June 23, 2016, could not leave indifferent players in the real estate market. The forecasts that…

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Tranio: 5 main trends of the international real estate market
What is the world real estate market? What changes await him in the future? Tranio International Real Estate Broker presents an overview of the main trends that investors can already…


“Golden Visa”: residence for investment

There are different ways to get a residence permit in another country: go to a local university, get a job there, create a family with a citizen or citizen of another country. They are suitable for those who plan to move abroad. However, many want to get a residence permit for other purposes: for example, to simplify communication with foreign banks or as insurance in case of an emergency move. Continue reading

How to invest in German development projects

For the last three years, we have been actively looking for projects for investment in Germany, but every year it becomes more and more difficult to find them, because there are fewer of them than the money of those who want to invest in the most reliable European economy. In such a situation, local developers can afford to choose with whom and under what conditions to work. Continue reading

Save on lawyers later, and not at the beginning: Dew-diligence of commercial real estate in Germany

German real estate is one of the most reliable assets in Europe. Partly because of this, modern Germany is considered to be the seller’s market: good properties are bought up quickly, and in most cases realtors prefer to work with local customers. Another thing is larger and more risky transactions: for example, for objects with low profitability, but located in a prestigious place, foreign investors are often ready to offer a higher price than the Germans. Continue reading

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Carte Blanche for Investors: Golden Visas in Southern Europe
In 2008, a financial crisis began in Europe. The problems in the economy affected the state of local real estate markets: the volume of investments decreased, real estate prices fell…
